Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Now You've Really Done It, Blago...

News of the ever derided smoker has now focused its hoary eye right in my own home state. Speaking before a joint session of the Illinois General Assembly, Illinois Governor Rod "Blago" Blagojevich has called for a seventy-five cent increase in cigarette taxes and tax hikes for other tobacco products. Please read the full article in the Chicago Tribune to get a sense of this idiot's plan before I slice him up.

This is not the first time that he did this. The taxes were raised statewide in 2003 and Cook County raised the tobacco tax last year. Smokers in Cook County (and even worse in the City of Chicago) are having their personal pleasure taxed for government enjoyment.

As if there needed to be another reason to make Blago a one-term governor.

Luckily, there is opposition. State Senate President Emil Jones (a Democrat from Chicago) has called the increase misinformed and a bad idea for small business. He also wisely points out that this would drive even more tobacco tax revenue to surrounding states like Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri and Iowa (Wisconsin has comparable taxes to Illinois). Jones thinks that funding should come through expanding casino gambling.

Well, now. Seems we got a problem here. When the leading light of the governor's own party calls his budget ideas bad for business, it is further proof that Blago is out of touch with the people of Illinois. For those that are not familiar with Illinois politics, not much gets done in Illinois without the nod of the Senate President, especially of the majority party.

Let's hope that people gain their senses because one thing you don't want is a bunch of smokers denied. As Denis Leary said "they're a drug and we're addicted." Black market deals will grow. Remember how well other prohibition ideas have worked in American history.

Blago, you are a complete fool and this is the latest in a line of moves that proves four years is quite enough. You know for a fact that you got elected because you came in on the heels of an utterly corrupt Republican criminal.

This is what an electorate gets with an "Anything-But-The-Incumbent" mentality.

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