Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Estimated Prophet: Wanting to be Wrong

In my follow-up on the Lefkow murder last Friday, I ruminated on possible measures for increased security of judges and courthouses in the U.S.

As I entered that post early Friday morning, I had no clue that I would end the day wishing that I was wrong.

The tragedy in Atlanta that unfolded Friday and Saturday (as summarized by this Reuters news item) further underlined this need for greater security. I guess it always comes in the wake of tragedy questions of "why" and "what next?"

Clearly, there needs to be armed security in court facilities. The safest way to do this, in my estimation, would be to station plainclothes armed security in courtrooms. The identities of these people would be known to few, possibly only the judge and the other uniformed bailiffs and security personnel. And for the uniformed security, I agree with the use of "less-than-lethal" weapons such as tactical batons, truncheons or Taser-like weapons.

From blood and tragedy must come considered change. It is our duty to the lost. We owe them nothing less.

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